Happy to Help!

We are always happy to help you.


We offer state of the art support system to our customers which include pre-sales and post-sales support through phone, whatsapp and email.
Email us you queries here:
[email protected]


We are just a phone call away from you. Our phone support is available between 09:00 hours and 20:00 hours IST weekdays through normal call, whatsapp or skype call.
Skype: muteyaar
phone/whatsapp: +91-99-88-77-3670


We have created our website in such a way so as to make as easy as possible to navigate to find what ever you are looking for.

Contact Info
  • We can be contacted through various channels as below:
  • Address:M/s IDEAS UNLIMITED, 5 - Ayurvedic College Road, Patiala 147001 Punjab, INDIA
  • Phone: +91-99-88-77-3670
  • Whatsapp:+91-99-88-77-6717
  • Facebook:facebook.com/muteyaar
  • Skype Call UsOpens in your application